Sunday 29 July 2012


Hello All! 
I've been spending this month lounging in Malta... 
My only mini-break was a trip to a neighbouring island. 
Rather larger than my home, Sicily is an interesting yet dangerous place for an octopus like me. Travelling around the region of Trapani without a car was difficult, and every other person in the street wanted to eat me.

I approve of these colours.

I would have liked this to replace my current trunk - unfortunately the museum staff thought otherwise.
Conte Agostino Pepoli was a gentleman of taste.
Me, on the island of Favignana, with a crude but charming representation of my species below.
One of the beings that wanted to eat me - vexing to say the least.
Piazzetta Saturno
Sicily is a peculiar place.
Trapani Beach
Feeling rather romantic here.
Some interesting beach graffiti. 

It was a good trip over all.
Itching to leave again...

to all - a warm, tentacled embrace


Monday 25 June 2012

London, London...

Trying to tease the crows at the Tower of London. 
Did you know they eat rabbit flesh and biscuits in blood for tea? 
Their wings are clipped, so they couldn't fly up to cause trouble. 

I cannot travel without my biscuit.

Needless to say, I love London. 
That's my cousin Louie in that last photo. 
He's an excellent travel companion and true octopus-of-the-world.
Hope all's well with you, dear readers.


Thursday 17 May 2012

                                     Recovering in Heathrow. Safari exhausting. More words later.


Wednesday 11 April 2012


Ah, the English seaside.

Photo credit: M. V. Felice 

Saturday 7 April 2012

Chuck ma baboon Safari

Hello dear Otto-ists. It's time for me to reveal some news. After my immensely pleasurable visit to Bath and Bristol, I was looking forward to gracing the latest edition of Patches with my presence. Lo and behold - I received an invitation from a certain Miss Happiness herself. And so, I'm off to Devon and beyond.
Beyond being South Africa. It pains me to disappoint you so re. Patches, but the wandering star I was born under is a particularly restless one.

Au revoir!

P.S. Do visit this excellent event &

Friday 30 March 2012

High Tea Beckons

I am packing my suitcase for Sunday's trip. What does a gentleman octopus need on holiday, especially if he's travelling to the land of Jane Austen and the Sally Lunn bun? I simply mustn't forget my bathing suit, toothbrush and eye-drops. My eyes get very dry indeed on airplanes, don't you know. My swimwear, in case you were wondering, is rather long and stripey. Very turn-of-the-century. Toodles! I'll be writing about my experiences overseas next week.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Vacanze Romane

You've probably never heard of me before, so here's a little background information. I was born in 2011 into a travel-loving family. My first taste of the wide world was Rome. Perched on the fountain at Piazza di Spagna, I felt quite full of myself when a South American gentleman spotted me and insisted on taking a photo with me. That was my first taste of notoriety. Fancy me; the topic of a conversation in a sleepy coffee shop in Uruguay. I loved it! I wanted more...

Monday 5 March 2012

Jet-lagged but happy to be home, friends. I'll be writing some of my witty travel anecdotes here.

See you soon!
