Saturday 1 June 2013

A Sojourn in Denmark and an Explanation

My dear omelettes! 

I am mortified for not breaking this silence earlier. 
I'm afraid I've been quite ill - my species is subject to a kind of physical type of existential angst (we hide in a cloud of our own ink) - and I really haven't been feeling up to much at all.

To atone for this, I thought I'd share some images of my sojourn in Copenhagen. 
My host - and kind portraitist - Mr. D. V. showed me around this Northern capital. 

Ladies and gentlemen; The Nyhavn Canal

Don't the pretty colours bring out my eyes?

The tomb of one of the world's greatest storytellers, or so they say. 
I rather felt he dealt my species a low blow with that mermaid story. 

There I am, struggling to get a cutting for a friend's garden -
Monstera deliciosa must have wonderful fruit...

Benevolent salutations!