Friday 30 March 2012

High Tea Beckons

I am packing my suitcase for Sunday's trip. What does a gentleman octopus need on holiday, especially if he's travelling to the land of Jane Austen and the Sally Lunn bun? I simply mustn't forget my bathing suit, toothbrush and eye-drops. My eyes get very dry indeed on airplanes, don't you know. My swimwear, in case you were wondering, is rather long and stripey. Very turn-of-the-century. Toodles! I'll be writing about my experiences overseas next week.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Vacanze Romane

You've probably never heard of me before, so here's a little background information. I was born in 2011 into a travel-loving family. My first taste of the wide world was Rome. Perched on the fountain at Piazza di Spagna, I felt quite full of myself when a South American gentleman spotted me and insisted on taking a photo with me. That was my first taste of notoriety. Fancy me; the topic of a conversation in a sleepy coffee shop in Uruguay. I loved it! I wanted more...

Monday 5 March 2012

Jet-lagged but happy to be home, friends. I'll be writing some of my witty travel anecdotes here.

See you soon!
